Monday, 23 December 2013

unkind reversibility

As I lay dying
The whole world confines death
As I pray worrying
The time stops and rewinds
Everything happens in order not
Anything collides in mutuality of reversibility

As I smile frowning
The sun's blinding beam upper hands
As I pace forwarding
The road sins and points to the fire
Everything happens in order not
Anything collides in mutuality of reversibility

As I embrace the chaos, accepting
Hope kills the peace
As I conclude life, hating
Love questions and demands
Everything happens in order not
Anything collides in mutuality of reversibility

Let us be, no, let us be
Lord, oh, Lord
He is the Almighty Joker
Plotting around and smiling upon us
Let us be, yes, let us be

"Reversed" - Joshua Tjandra

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